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CARLSON: strona spółki
1.06.2024, 13:08

CAI Convocation of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of June 28, 2024 and draft resolutions.

The Management Board of CARLSON INVESTMENTS SE. with its registered office in Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as the Company, the Issuer), acting on the basis of Article 395, 399 § 1 and 402 (1) of the Commercial Companies Code, convenes for 28 June 2024 at 10:00 the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in Warsaw at the Notary Office of Piotr Pełczyński Notary, Al. Niepodległości 217 loc. 7, 02-087 Warsaw. The text of the announcement of convening the General Meeting and draft resolutions with documentation are included in the attachment to this report.


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